HTML Emails

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Interested in Maily Wizard future?

Step into the future of email crafting starting at just $1/month with our Pro plan. Enjoy unlimited daily emails, 30 days of storage, and access to fun Emojis. Elevate your experience with the Master plan at $10 for lifetime access. Unleash the full potential of Maily Wizard today!

Maily Wizard seamlessly archives your every masterpiece after each email generation. Users enjoy varied retention periods; Free users bask in 10 days of saved correspondence, while Pro users relish a 30-day memory. Master users? They are gifted with eternal retention, ensuring their crafted emails are preserved forever. Experience the luxury of digital memory with Maily Wizard.

Maily Wizard is an innovative AI-powered tool designed to simplify and enhance your email creation process. It provides various templates tailored for specific email types and includes a feature to generate professional HTML email designs swiftly and effortlessly. The History Vault feature allows easy access to your previously crafted emails.

What is MailyWizard?

How much does the upgraded version cost?



Generate creative Email


Your Treasure Chest of Emails

A unique feature that automatically saves your generated emails, enabling easy access to past correspondences. Never lose an important email again; revisit, edit, and re-use your creations, all at your fingertips. Streamline your communication with Maily Wizard, the future of email crafting.

Unveiling Maily Wizard, your AI-powered sidekick for effortless email crafting! Streamline your communication, improve productivity, and leave a lasting impression with Maily Wizard. Experience a revolution in email creation.

Maily Wizard AI-powered emails

How does history work?



Elevate your communication with Maily Wizard, a groundbreaking AI tool designed to craft compelling emails. Offering a range of templates, it tailors your communication to fit any specific context perfectly. Navigate through email creation effortlessly, generate impactful content, and amplify your messaging.

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